Tuesday, August 13, 2013

High School Reunions

So I just wrapped up my high school reunion this past weekend. It was great to see people and to be seen. I walked away exhausted, but satisfied. I know there are some people who shutter at the thought of going to a reunion. They look back at their high school years believing those were awful years in their life . . lots of drama, hurt feelings, awkwardness. Sounds like life to me. I hear it fairly often when I ask someone if they are going to their reunion: "there isn't anyone I want to see". There is a word for this:  selfishness. Have you considered that there will be people there who actually want to see you? I know, hard to believe.

I think back on this past weekend and how often someone would ask me: "So whatever happened to . ."? It is their way of saying "I wish so-and-so was here", but so-and-so is not here, instead he is sitting at home, miserable, watching re-runs on tv because there isn't anyone he wants to see at a reunion. I know there are legitimate reasons for not attending a reunion, like a schedule conflict or travel costs; but to not go because there is no one you want to see? That just does not make sense to me. Not after this past weekend.