Saturday, July 4, 2009

One Photographer Versus Two

Every once in awhile I have someone email me asking if I use an assistant. I usually figure this question originates with some online wedding site that suggests asking this question, along with about 50 other questions. I tell people that every wedding I have ever done over the past 20+ years I have done without an assistant. Many photographers use assistants . . I just never have. And for the style of photography I shoot I have not had a need for one. It strikes me as a bit odd that someone will tell me they really like my photos, but decide not to use me because I do not use an assistant, whereas the photographer they chose does use an assistant. Are they hiring me or are they hiring an assistant? How do they figure those photos they said they really liked happened?

The main reason I figure I don't need an assistant is because I work my weddings hard. This is important to understand: at the end of the day I have never had a couple say to me they were ready and willing to do more photos. On the contrary they are usually wiped out. People are just not used to having a lot of photos taken of them. Inevitably there comes a point when they are ready to be with their guests, they are tired of sitting or standing for photos, they are done. I, on the other hand, am usually all hyped up . . still looking for that one last killer shot. But I can see it in their eyes or in their posture . . no more photos. Okay, it might not be that bad, but I can just tell that before long I am going to lose them.

I guess people believe if they have two photographers, more will be covered. Maybe, maybe not. My feeling is that in many cases two photographers can be overkill. After awhile you feel like you cannot make a move without someone there recording it. Even your guests might feel like they are constantly getting bombarded with photos. I believe I offer full coverage of a wedding. Not much will happen without me being there. I'm not against assistants. Maybe one day I will start using them. But at least for now I know I capture pretty much everything on my own.

1 comment:

  1. When you have an expert like Bob working your wedding, there is most definitely no need for an additional photographer. He is AWESOME!!

