Monday, September 14, 2009


I remember hearing a speaker talk about what it means to be a servant . . a servant of God that is. Part of what it means is not considering yourself to be any better than someone else, or to put it another way, not looking at someone else as being lower than you. What I remember most from this person's talk was when he said that is why he hates litter. He mentioned McDonalds and the tendency for people to leave their tray of trash on a table rather than putting it in the trash can. He said that when you do that, you are basically saying that there is someone else around who is lower than you who will come along and pick up your mess. To me, what the speaker said makes sense, and it is something that I personally try to live out in my own life, whether it is cleaning up after myself in McDonalds or by not leaving trash anywhere where someone else would have to come and clean up after me.

All of this to bring you these photos: one from Obama's inauguration, the other from this past weekend's Tea Party event in Washington. Both events brought hundreds of thousands of people to Washington. The inauguration was understandably mostly a liberal crowd. The Tax Protest was mostly a conservative crowd. Liberals love to talk about the environment. They also love big government and happily turn over responsibility for their own lives over to that big government. Conservatives are big believers in smaller government and personal responsibility. Liberals believe there will always be someone else who will come along and clean up their mess, conservatives don't. Dare I say that liberals believe in being a servant to that big government, conservatives believe in being a servant to God. And the result? I think the pictures tell you pretty clearly. The difference is pretty stark.

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