Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Will Reform vs. Have Reformed

Sarah Palin made a statement in a recent speech that I thought said it all about Barrack Obama. It went something like this: He keeps saying he WILL reform, but he never says he HAS reformed. To me, this goes to the root of what is wrong with Obama. He continually tells us that politics as usual in Washington needs reforming, and that he alone is the man to bring about that change. After nearly two years, what I am waiting for from the press is an examination into what credentials Obama brings to this job interview. Here's an obvious question: Did Obama initiate reform in Chicago style politics while he was a state senator or while he lived and worked around Chicago? If so, how? If not, why not? Chicago style politics are more notorious and corrupt than Washington. What a great opportunity for him to demonstrate his skills in this matter. Here is another question: Just exactly what kinds of reform did Obama bring to Illinois? To my knowledge, and I've been following this for some time, I just don't see anything there. How about during his first two years in the U.S. Senate? Same thing there as well. Nothing. Bottom line is that many Americans have blindly accepted Obama's word. He is a reformer because he says he is. How convenient. And easy. Let me give it a try: I am a world class athlete. I don't have to prove anything. All I have to do is continue to pronounce to the world that I, Bob, am a world class athlete. Soon the endorsement deals will roll in. Talk about audacity.

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