Friday, October 3, 2008


Senator Obama (and Biden) have a lot invested in Afghanistan. That is where our attention should be, as they see it. We need more troops, more money, and more attention paid to that area. But why? Why do Democrats, who 1) traditionally hate war, 2) continually tell us that money spent in Iraq could be used to improve our schools or pay for health care, and 3) proclaim that America is evil for getting involved in or occupying other countries . . why do they want to fight, spend money, and occupy Afghanistan? And they want to do this without any exit plan. I'm not quite sure I understand this. I'm not disagreeing with them. After the September 11 memorials and reminders, I still believe we need to be over there fighting and disrupting any and all terrorists operations. Presumably that is the thinking of the Democrats. I wonder though how long they could stomach seeing American servicemen and women dying in Afghanistan. How long before they lose interest in being there any longer. Again, what is their exit strategy? For years they demanded one for Iraq. I just don't hear anyone asking them for one in the fight they have chosen.

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