Back when the Patriot Act was news, liberals were decrying it as a tool for the government to invade the privacy of American citizens, all in the name of national security. I applaud them for wanting to protect an individual's privacy and property. We should all be concerned about a government (or even a press) that seeks to destroy individuals or intrude into their private concerns, especially if it has absolutely nothing to do with the government or national security. But for liberals, their concern with the Patriot Act was a phantom hypothetical. There was no evidence that the Patriot Act had ever been used in that manner. But still it was enough to get them all worked up about the Bush Administration going too far. Because of that they now want a new administration that would not seek to invade privacy. If they think an Obama administration is the answer, they are in for a rude awakening. They have not seen anything yet.
Obama comes from the Chicago school of politics. Adversaries are to be destroyed. Get whatever dirt you can on them or just shut them out (Palin, Joe the Plumber, any journalist that doesn't ask friendly questions, etc.), whatever it takes to take them down. The Ohio government official who authorized the search of Joe the Plumber's records is an Obama supporter. The search has been characterized as unusual by those who were asked to make it. In other words, there was no reason for it other than political reasons. Even more disturbing is Obama's lack of regard for a person's private property. In his world anything that a person owns is subject to the state. Whatever money I make is not mine, it belongs to the greater good of the people. If it is deemed that I have too much money, or have too many things, the state is permitted to come along and take whatever it deems as "fair" in order to give it to someone else who has less. This is not a phantom hypothetical. It falls into place with much of what Obama has expressed during the campaign, and it falls into place with the philosophy he seemed to embrace during his life. How it will play out should he be elected will be interesting to watch, although I doubt it will be pleasant to experience.
I would like to believe that our Constitution and our American society is resilient to any outside political or economic system that a person or group would try to impose on it, whether it be Marxist, communist, atheist, or totalitarian. There is no question in my mind though that any "revolution" would be subtle, undertaken over years rather than overnight. Our country has seen a slow erosion of our moral compass (same sex marriage and abortion to name two obvious areas) in recent years. We have seen our schools and our press overtaken by a decidedly very liberal agenda that is shaping public opinion like no other force can. And we have seen a young, telegenic, inexperienced, untested, arrogant lawyer/politician come along and swoon the American public into believing that he is "The One" that will save us all. It makes me wonder if our country really can stand up to this kind of movement. The liberals who voiced their outcry about the Patriot Act were noticeably silent when it came to Joe the Plumber. Here they were given an actual American citizen, who's only transgression was in asking this young, arrogant lawyer/politician a question; for this his privacy actually was intruded upon by the government . . by an Obama supporting government official . . and the left was silent. Where is the consistency?