Saturday, November 8, 2008

Is Obama Invincible?

It didn't take long for the American left to really turn on President Bush. They have called him names (Hitler, dumb, a terrorist, etc), mocked him, protested against him, and spread unrelenting hate toward the man. It doesn't speak well of the left, a group that says it wants tolerance and peace, but sure has a hard time living it out. I tend to believe that a sizable bunch of loud mouths on the far left made a point of pulling Bush down through trashing him and altering the public's view of him. As for me, I've always liked the guy. If Iraq is given the chance to succeed, and becomes a positive influence in that region, Bush should be given full credit and be seen as a liberator on the grandest of scales. He has implemented humanitarian aid to a degree that previous presidents never did. For most of his presidency the economy was cruising along at a great pace. It is unclear whether the crisis we are in today has anything to do with this administration's economic policies, or if it is the result of a global perfect storm of failing institutions. He of course is the president, so he will get the blame. President Bush has not been perfect. No one believes he has been. Nor has he been a failure, despite what the left wants us to believe.

So here is my question: what would it take for these same people to turn on Barack Obama? Is he invincible, immune to any criticism? Would the left ever criticize the guy? This is The One after all. It sure seems like they see him as being someone who can do no wrong. He is "cool", the breath of fresh air, the one who has come to save our country and our world. He is already being set up as the greatest president this country has ever seen. It is only a matter of time before we see an Obama movie, staring Will Smith, where Obama is larger than life . . can do no wrong . . has no flaws . . no sin. I just don't see anyone on the left turning on him. Any mistake will be seen as showing his humanity, and quickly forgiven. If he opts to prosecute terrorists a la Clinton, rather than taking the fight to them, he will be heralded as a Nobel Peace prize candidate, even if years later it proves to come back to bite us (a la Clinton). All of this is especially true of the press. Will they continue to suspend their journalistic integrity by blindly supporting this guy, or will they investigate, ask tough questions, and demand answers? That will be our first sign: if the press starts asking questions. I would like to think that it is only a matter of time. Not convinced about that though.

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