Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. If we could not afford to build infrastructure when the economy was doing well, how can we afford it now?

2. When you hear someone talk about being in awe of Barack Obama, or their heart beating faster when they saw him in person, keep in mind that is the exact same way a twelve year old girl talks about the Jonas Brothers.

3. Is there a Republican leader out there with any spine? Actually, is there a Republican leader out there?

4. So who is going to keep track of how many times Joe Biden has to apologize for something he said?

5. 24 still has the goods. Wish it were on more than once a week.

6. Once again, I hate to see the football season come to an end.

7. There are few things better than the warmth of a wood fire. Woodstove . . football on tv . . snowing outside . . what a combination.

8. There has to be a better way to lose weight than exercise and diet.

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