Sunday, April 5, 2009

For Those Still Clinging To Global Warming

I remember while in high school I would go out on my own and pick up trash along the street. Nothing organized . . no fanfare . . no volunteer credits . . I just disliked litter. Same goes with the back parking lot at our school. It was constantly littered with broken glass. No school employees ever cleaned it up, and so I would go out on my own every few months with a push broom and a big trash can and clean it up in the early evening when the lot was empty. I say this to convey that i do care about the environment. I don't like to waste water or resources, mostly because I don't like to waste anything. I like clean water and a clean roadside and clean air. I would hope that would be true with most people, even environmentalists who are clinging to and scaring children about global warming. The thing is, I am just not convinced that whatever global warming is incurring is a problem. Climate changes, it always has and it always will, regardless of what we as humans think we can do to affect it. The thought that we are in the process of spending (wasting) billions of dollars to feel better about ourselves is crazy. Like I said, I hate to waste anything, including money. There is no question in my mind that there are a small number of people who will get very wealthy from this . . Al Gore being one of them. Below is a link to just one more small article that should make you wonder if all this global warming hype really is a bunch of nonsense.

Surprise! Trees Grow Bigger On CO2

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