Saturday, January 2, 2010

November 1922

For those who believe man over the past half century is responsible for today's global warming, this Washington Post article from November 1922 may serve as some interest. Let's see, 1922 was nearly 100 years ago. The only thing missing from this article were the dooms day "the world is going to end in five years" fear tactics a la Al Gore. Keep in mind that during the 1970's, a short 50 years after this article, scientists were universally concerned about our being in the midst of a new Ice Age. That shift in climate change was all accomplished without us wastefully spending trillions of dollars chasing a fantasy that we can control climate.

By the way, also check out this article about CO2 emissions, which "finds that the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide has not increased either during the past 150 years or during the most recent five decades."

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