Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama Hope and Change Not Selling Anymore

If you look through my posts over the past two plus years, it is clear that I was one of many who never bought into the Obama hysteria. I knew he had no experience, I was skeptical of his still largely unknown background and associations with dubious socialists, and I did not not buy into his undefined "hope and change".

Today an article in American Thinker gives a good big picture overview of how Obama got to where he is today.

"Perhaps, as he opined himself in The Audacity of Hope, the throngs loved him in '08 because he was a "blank slate" upon whom voters cast their own pictures. Now that he has an actual record of governance, his audiences are no longer fodder for easy bamboozling. In '08, the people saw what they wanted to see; reality bites back in 2010.

So when he took his deceptive oratory on the campaign trail as a political blank slate and offered up the "hope" and "change" that would make all our problems go away, the American community bought his lines faster than you can say "snake oil." In '08, Obama looked like Al Gore at a global warming tent revival, smiling, passing the hat, basking in the glow of ethereal hope, and laughing all the way to the bank.

But the community organizer is and always has been nothing but a used-car-salesman-type middleman. The community organizer's job is not getting things done, not improving conditions for real people, but talking a good game and somehow forcing government money out of the hands of the haves and putting it into the hands of the have-nots. He is a middleman sent in to make the sale and take a handsome cut from the pilfered money. "

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