Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Take On Donald Trump

Let's face it, fill up a room with celebrities . . artists, actors, musicians, hollywood moguls, journalists . . and you basically have the Democratic National Convention. Celebrities liked Clinton. They love Obama, and that love seems to be unconditional. Obama could threaten to take away more of their money (oh wait, he has already said that is what he wants to do), he could pull the U.S. into a third war in a Muslim country (oh wait, he has), he could keep Guantanamo Bay open (oh wait, he has), he could basically do nothing in terms of improving the economy (oh wait, you get the idea); it doesn't matter, celebrities vocally express their unconditional love for the man. And they love to bash conservatives, through their movies, their music, and their words. For conservatives, it gets old . . and predictable. It is probably why alternative media outlets (blogs, radio programs, even Fox News) have become so popular. Conservatives grow tired of celebrities with an agenda, particularly when that agenda is liberal.

So here comes Donald Trump. The Donald has been around for quite awhile. It's not like he is new. In his early years, Trump made the news with his wealth, his buildings, and his marriages. These days Trump is pretty much seen by the public more as a celebrity than as a businessman. He rubs shoulders with other celebrities through his television show and his work. And Trump is not afraid to bash people. So when Trump comes out lambasting Obama, asking questions publicly that many conservatives have wondered privately, conservatives love it. How often do you hear a celebrity bash Obama? That, in my opinion, is Trump's appeal. Finally, a celebrity with fairly considerable respect, is taking it to Obama and liberals.

Trump might not be a conservative. In fact he spent a lot of time bashing George Bush while Bush was president. And Trump has changed his views on many issues. He is unpredictable. You never really know what will come out of his mouth. While that can be refreshing coming from a politician, for now Trump is not a politician, so if he ever got elected into any office, that trait would most likely be restrained. And there are other restraints as well. Right now, Trump can use his wealth to his advantage. As a president he cannot just go out and buy people out with his own money. It would be our money at his disposal. Would he spend it lavishly as he does now with his own money, or would he be frugal? Right now, Trump can make decisions without consulting a board of directors. How would he "manage" Congress? I wonder if this is a question that only a seasoned politician can really answer.

I like the idea of a president Trump type of a person. After the past two years, it would be refreshing to have someone in that office who believes in the free market and is truly a capitalist. It would be refreshing to have someone who has actually led something prior to becoming president. I have to wonder though if someone completely outside the political structure can effectively function within that structure, especially since they come into it with no political experience. Do we really want a presidential Apprentice? Isn't that what we got with Obama? Someone like Trump should probably run for governor first. Test the political waters to see if they can function in that world. It is completely different than the corporate world. Sure, leadership is leadership; but just because you are captain of your football team doesn't necessarily mean you can lead a 100,000 employee company.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why Does Anyone Believe Anything Obama Says?

Our president has demonstrated over and over again that he is more than willing to say one thing but then do the exact opposite. Many, if not most, of the promises he made on the campaign trail have not been followed. In fact he has purposely and quite eagerly gone against his own words. Now, you might be thinking that is true with most politicians; and I would agree. But wasn't Obama supposed to be different? Wasn't his whole appeal of "hope and change" built on the "hope" that he was a different kind of politician; that in fact he transcended politics, and that would be a "change"?

Hopefully you have heard the sound bites from a few years ago when then Senator Obama spoke of raising the debt ceiling as being a failure of leadership (namely George Bush). Now, as president, Obama believes anyone who votes against raising the debt ceiling is just evil.

Today, another example of how dishonest Obama really is came to light. You have to read this (click below) and see the video clip from his campaign. When you are done, please ask yourself: why would I ever believe anything Obama says?

Click here to for more.