Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why Does Anyone Believe Anything Obama Says?

Our president has demonstrated over and over again that he is more than willing to say one thing but then do the exact opposite. Many, if not most, of the promises he made on the campaign trail have not been followed. In fact he has purposely and quite eagerly gone against his own words. Now, you might be thinking that is true with most politicians; and I would agree. But wasn't Obama supposed to be different? Wasn't his whole appeal of "hope and change" built on the "hope" that he was a different kind of politician; that in fact he transcended politics, and that would be a "change"?

Hopefully you have heard the sound bites from a few years ago when then Senator Obama spoke of raising the debt ceiling as being a failure of leadership (namely George Bush). Now, as president, Obama believes anyone who votes against raising the debt ceiling is just evil.

Today, another example of how dishonest Obama really is came to light. You have to read this (click below) and see the video clip from his campaign. When you are done, please ask yourself: why would I ever believe anything Obama says?

Click here to for more.

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