Sunday, February 19, 2012

Church and State

Lately it seems that the concept of separation of church and state works great at keeping the church out of the state's business, but it does a lousy job of keeping the state out of the church's business.  In a climate of an all powerful state, where the state is intent on imposing its will on all aspects of our lives, diminishing the importance of religion in a person's life is job one. Oh, they won't say that. They're too smart to tell people what they are really up to. Just go ahead and formulate extreme policies, then back off a bit to make it look like you are willing to "accommodate" the people, and there you are: one step closer to state run religion, and one step back from personal freedom. How benevolent of you.

Anyhow, today there is a very good article related to this that I would like to recommend for your reading.

Many have argued that the left is fighting for freedom from religion.  No, there will always be religion.  Fundamental change was promised; change from God given rights to state granted rights are being delivered.  When the state eliminates God, the state becomes god.  And the state is a jealous god, especially when it takes guidance from a bookdedicated to Lucifer.

Read more:

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