Saturday, August 8, 2015

Donald Trump

Here it is August 2015, roughly 15 months away from the 2016 presidential election, and Donald Trump is leading the GOP pack. Why, with such a strong and deep bench, is Trump in the lead? Most analysts that I read point to voter unrest with politicians who they believe are destroying America (Clinton, Pelosi, Obama) and politicians who promised to stop this destruction, but once elected have done nothing (pretty much the whole GOP congress).

Compared to these politically correct minded politicians, Trump comes across as a breath of fresh air. He sounds authentic, and he passionately speaks about issues in a way that resonates with many GOP voters. Never mind that over the years Trump has pretty much changed his views on just about everything. If you stand still long enough in your own view about something, Trump will eventually come around and say something that will resonate with you.

But when it comes to Trump and whether he should be the person to lead the GOP and be their candidate, choosing Trump is not just a matter of what amounts to a protest vote. In choosing Trump we get something else:  another Obama. When it comes to arrogance, pettiness, divisiveness, name calling, and narcissism, Obama is the king of all American presidents. No one comes close, and our country is worse off for it. Maybe more than anything we need our next president to possess virtues completely opposite of those possessed by Obama. Trump is definitely not that person. Arrogant, petty, divisive, a name caller, and totally full of himself. Do we really want four more years of that?

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