Sunday, April 27, 2008

Global Warming Hype

I've always been suspicious of the whole global warming hype. I know for some people that may sound naive or misguided, but there is too much evidence and too many people who know what they are talking about that also see no merit in the global warming crisis as expressed by Al Gore and his buddies. And no one in the media seems to want to listen. For the past 10 years the earth's temperature has not risen by even a fraction of a degree. NASA has reevaluated their numbers and recently altered them in a manner that contradicts the global warming hysteria. Do you ever hear about this?

John Coleman is a meteorologist and the founder of the Weather Channel. He has been on his own personal crusade to counter the global warming hype with what can only be called facts. This video is an excellent interview with Coleman as he systematically dismisses many of the arguments presented by the global warming alarmists. It makes you wonder how the religious zeal behind global warming ever got to the point we now find it. Ten years from now when we are most likely talking about global cooling, where will Al Gore be, and will he be held into account for all the money and attention that is being invested into this hypothetical crisis?

Ethanol is proving to be a poor substitute for gasoline, and the cost of corn and related biofuels is now soaring as these crops are being used for fuel rather than as food. Back when Congress was voting on the implementation of Ethanol into our fuel stockpile, the vote was so close that it took a vote by Vice President Al Gore to break the tie. So we have Al Gore to largely thank for the non-environmentally friendly consequences of farmers cutting down fields of trees in order to grow corn . . and for the price of corn rising so much that the price of its byproducts are inflating the overall price of other foods.

I'm all for conservation. I don't like to see things go to waste. But the direction our world seems to be going in concerning "eco" this and "green" that borders on craziness. And more and more it seems like good intentioned people with what seems like good ideas are actually causing more problems for the environment as a consequence of their ideas. Do yourself a favor and watch the above video.

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