Monday, August 25, 2008

Democrats and Conservation

Democrats are always talking about the merits of conservation. Usually it is within the context of the environment, but there is also the context of living within our means and by living simply (so others may simply live). If this was all the Democrats meant, and if they really meant it, I would have more respect for them. But Democrats are all too quick to show us that what they really want is for everyone else to conserve, but not necessarily themselves. The Democratic Convention is a case in point.

All was well with the convention as originally planned for the Pepsi Center. But then Barrack Obama and His handlers came up with the great idea of moving His acceptance speech to the larger Invesco Field. What is the cost of such a move? I'm sure it has been calculated somewhere, but the financial toll on Denver, the networks and cable news companies, the Secret Service, the Democratic Party, and numerous others will be much, much higher than if the convention stayed put at the Pepsi Center. Plus there is the environmental impact of traffic and lighting. Obama wants His big splash, His big impact coming out of the convention. Fine. But so does the person wanting to drive a Hummer, or the person living in a 10,000 square foot house, or the person who flies in their own private jet. And for that matter, so does the 'average" person wanting to enjoy their motor boat, or their air conditioned house. All of these people are told, for the good of the earth and the nation, that they need to conserve and cut back. Make sacrifices. We're told that we cannot continue to spend recklessly, especially when you consider how many people that money could have fed, or how many teachers could have been hired. Wouldn't you expect the same kind of sacrifice from our leaders, especially the ones that come up with this stuff? Is there no end to their ego?

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