Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama & Abortion

It was an easy question, one that he has probably been asked numerous times before. Rick Warren phrased it a bit differently: when does a baby begin to have human rights? Others might ask it this way: when does life begin? There is a certain point when you can say "only God knows for sure", but this side of heaven God has given us the ability to reason and judge for ourselves the answer to that question (there's also that nagging verse in Psalm 139 where God says he knows us in our mother's womb). It's called conviction . . a personal belief based on reason, observation, our understanding of God, and what we deem to be right. And the man who wants to be president acts as though he hasn't really thought this crucial issue through before. He has no conviction on this issue, apparently. Or does he?

Obama has a problem when it comes to abortion. He clearly does not believe that life begins at conception. If he did his answer would not have be so convoluted ("beyond my pay grade"). For Obama, life begins at some point after conception. In fact it apparently begins at some point after birth. It recently became known that while in the Illinois Senate, Obama voted against a resolution that would have protected born babies from purposely being killed after their birth, even though this resolution contained language that protected Roe v. Wade (Obama has lied about this vote). His position was more extreme than even the most liberal members of Congress are willing to go. So a baby is born alive, but because the mother had wanted an abortion, the baby is put to death. Again, a baby is born alive, outside the womb, independent from the mother, but for Obama it is apparently okay to put that baby to death because that was the will of the mother.

If someone does not have the personal conviction that this is wrong, then they should not be president. It's that simple.

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