Monday, March 2, 2009

Global Warming Hype, Part 3

Here, in more detail, is additional information regarding the scam known as global warming or "climate change" (amazing to me how the fact that our climate changes is considered a crisis), as well as more on Dr. Harper's testimony to a Senate sub-committee. I know there are people perhaps reading this that probably think I am a kook for not buying into this scam, but the consequences of following Al Gore and his minions is just scary. Billions of dollars will be thrown at a problem that doesn't exist. People talk about man made global warming, but this is really a man made crisis scam. For those who believe the debate is over . . it is just beginning. I'm personally ready for a sensible debate, based on facts. So far we have been fed a steady diet of bad information from people who start with their own agenda and conclusions, then go out to find data that supports those conclusions. That's okay, we all tend to do that. There is a problem though when the data they use is just wrong, or they disregard other data that contradicts their agenda.

A new documentary is coming out soon: Not Evil, Just Wrong. It counters Al Gore's film. Let's see how the media and schools treat it.

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