Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is The Debate Really Over?

Global Warming/Climate Change ala Al Gore is a religion. Like all religions, there are a number of facts you can point to, but there are gaps where you have no facts to lean on. This is where faith comes into the picture. Faith allows you to believe even when you might not have a reason for that belief. Most religions tend to be dogmatic about their beliefs. If I as a Christian believe that Jesus is the only way God established for salvation, and that Jesus is God; that is something that I cannot necessarily prove . . so it is a matter of faith. But if I really do believe that (as I do), then how could I also believe or accept some other religion's belief that directly contradicts this belief? Bottom line is that I cannot. So for me, the matter is settled. There really is no reason for debate. And yet I, as well as other Christians, are more than willing to have that debate with people who do not share my (our) beliefs. I'm not inviting a debate because I am still weighing my own decision. The debate is to hopefully sway others toward my way of seeing things, as well as to refine the argument.

So getting back to Global Warming and specifically Al Gore. Al has been saying for several years now that the Global Warming debate is over. He says that we are beyond that point, that we now need to act on what he believes we as humanity must do, regardless of what the consequences of those actions might be to humanity. He refuses to debate, despite the FACT that there are notable, respected scientists and climatologists who strongly disagree with many of Al's conclusions. Al of course knows what is right, and he carries all the dogmatic, judgmental overtones that you will find in many religions. His is the only way, all others be damned. There are many very serious thinkers out there who want to publicly debate Al Gore. Once Al got his movie out, and won his awards, I'm sure he figured why mess up a good thing with a debate. Why risk having people actually look at his data and his conclusions, and then actually question him? Al stands to make even more money from this scam in the future. I guess I don't blame him for playing it this way. It's too bad because we will be paying for all of this for many, many years to come.

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