Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Answer Me This

I have this question, but I have no idea what the answer is for this question. During the Bush administration, people on the left were screaming over the potential government intrusion into citizen's privacy via the Patriot Act. They were rightly concerned that the government could listen in on private conversations of private citizens, all in the name of national security. I say "rightly" only because we as citizens should be concerned about these kinds of things. I don't believe the Bush administration was doing anything wrong here however. Their intent, as I understood it, was to monitor certain communications between suspected terrorists on calls coming from outside our country. But while I thought the people on the left who were screaming were screaming for no good reason, buried underneath was a legitimate concern: keeping the government from intruding in the lives of private citizens.

So here is my question: where are those same screamers now that the Obama administration is intruding far wider and deeper into our lives than Bush ever dreamt of going? Some 4 months into his position, Obama has managed to take ownership of the American auto industry and the banking system, all while trying to take a larger role in state and local education systems, the health care industry, the credit card industry, and the energy industry. Make no mistake, Obama believes the government in general, and he specifically, knows what is best for us; and he is intent on imposing his will in our lives. He is bypassing contract laws in order to give sweetheart deals to unions. He is telling corporate America what they should pay their leaders. He seems ready to impose sanctions on medical personnel who, because of religious beliefs, refuse to do medical procedures (abortions, for one) that they find immoral. If he gets his way, each one of us will be wholly dependent on the government for our most basic needs. The government, specifically the federal government, will have far greater power on our lives than ever before, and certainly far greater than our Constitution allows.

I want to know where are the screamers? Are they so blinded by their devotion to "the One" that they cannot see what is going on here? What would happen if Obama now pushed for the Patriot Act like George Bush did? Would the screamers stay just as silent as they have been with all this other nonsense Obama has been doing? Please let me know if you know the answer to my question.

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