Thursday, May 14, 2009

"We Were Misled" - Same Old Excuse

Roughly ten years ago, Hilary Clinton, John Edwards, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and a number of other Democrats spoke very directly and confidently that we need to put an end to Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. None of them were prepared to act on that . . it just made political sense to make those kind of pronouncements. When George Bush became president, and with 9/11 fresh in our memories, Bush decided it was time to put an end to the speculation and to the trouble Hussein was causing. While many of the Democrats whined about taking action, most signed on to it. When the WMD was not uncovered, and the Iraqi war became a Viet Nam type war among the left, and many of the above personalities were running for president, they quickly changed their tune. They were misled about this whole WMD ordeal . . misled by Bush and misled by the intelligence community.

I remember thinking during that time that this "we were misled" excuse cannot be helpful for these people. It seemed to me that they were essentially saying one or more of the following: 1) I don't have the judgement to tell good information from bad information; 2) I never used my contacts and/or power to search out the best information before making an important decision; 3) I knew better back then, but did not have the courage to act on those convictions; and/or 4) I am easily misled. Barack Obama was basically a baby back when these kinds of decisions were being made, so he escaped having to make this kind of excuse.

Today we have Nancy Pelosi trying to make the same kind of excuse when it comes to briefings, what she knew, and when she knew it concerning interrogations of terrorists. The CIA misled Congress, and so did the Bush administration. Does anyone believe Pelosi's sorry and painful explanations? Talk about torture. And this is the person third in line to lead our country (behind Biden . . yikes!). I have next to zero confidence in Obama, Biden, Pelosi, or Reid . . and not one of them is doing much to make me change my mind. Pelosi though is an embarrassment.

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