Sunday, November 8, 2009

Health Care is a Buffet Meal

"This bill has caps on how much you pay, and it has NO caps on benefits you will receive". I don't know that I got the quote exactly right, but close enough to be accurate. This was Nancy Pelosi describing the health care bill just passed by the House on November 7. Please read that quote again, and think about it. Nancy is telling us so much here. First of all, Congress will tell private insurers how much they can charge their customers, placing limits on those charges. At the same time Congress will tell private insurers that they must cover anything and everything that a customer wants. First question: do we really want Congress interfering with private industry in this manner? Second question: how long can any business stay in business with this kind of business model? Third question: how long can the government (and the American taxpayer) sustain themselves with this kind of deficit creating model?

Nancy can promise lower premiums for government option health care because those premiums will be subsidized by taxes and/or by a growing debt. There is no other way to pay for it (don't believe any of their "promises" for cost cutting solutions). Nancy seems to believe that health care is basically a buffet lunch. You pay one fee and get to take whatever you like for as long as you like. Restaurants probably base their pricing on the idea that some people will eat a lot, but most people will end up not eating as much as they thought they would. For a restaurant, that model might work; for health care I am not so certain. Imagine if a restaurant was told by the government that they could only charge so much for their buffet, and then were also told that once someone paid, they were free to come and go throughout the day and even the week, all for that one low price. How long would they stay in business? Exactly. And this is the model that Nancy sees in her new health care bill. Do any of these people have a clue on how to run a business? Do they even have a clue on how to run a government? If what Nancy is telling you here sounds too good to be true, you are right.

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