Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Man Made Global Warming

John Hawkins does a nice, concise job exposing what can only be called a political and scientific scam: global warming. The big walk away here is that global warming is something our earth had experienced many times before man was even capable of contributing to it. In other words, it is very, very suspect whether man is responsible for whatever warming has taken place over the past century. If man has not been responsible, it seems to me that should change the entire climate change argument a la Al Gore. It should also change the straggle hold these people have placed on our energy and our economy. I've always said that I am 100% behind a sensible approach toward protecting our environment. Clean air, clean water, protecting nature whenever possible, protecting national treasures. All of this comes at a cost though. Being sensible means not imposing regulations and taxes that ultimately drive people into poverty, all to maybe drop the temperature by .1 degree over the next 20 years, especially when these kinds of decisions are based on faulty, politicized data. I'm not a conspiracy person, or a nut, but it sure seems to me that this is all being forced through by people who ultimately want some kind of one world government. What comes out of Copenhagen will be a good example of this. And our country, especially our politicians, seem to be falling for it.

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