Wednesday, December 16, 2009

There They Go Again

Just got done listening to Neil Cavuto interview Congresswoman Kilpatrick from Michigan. When challenged by Cavuto about Congress spending so much money, she proceeded to talk about the condition of the economy left to them by George Bush, then said we have to now spend more money in order to take care of the American people. Taking care of the people is always the excuse used by people in government for spending more money. Can you think of any appropriation bill that did not carry with it the promise that this was going to serve the people? Maybe they all have good intentions (as opposed to serving their own needs . . yeah, okay, probably not), but their "generosity" with our money is largely what is driving our economy into the ground. Basically what this congresswoman was saying is that it was bad when Bush did it, but our efforts are noble. Do they ever listen to what they are saying?

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