Tuesday, March 30, 2010


There are any number of beliefs or issues that various Christians consider to be most important to the faith. Some emphasize social justice as defining the gospel (personally I would run fast from anyone who falls in this group), some believe strongly in rituals, and some place a lot of emphasis on "faith", as though faith was the targeted end, or at least they are hesitant to define who or what is the object of their faith. I believe that the absolute essential tenant of the Christian faith has to be the resurrection of Jesus. If someone claims to be a Christian, but denies or downplays the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus, they are standing on very shaky ground. If people claim that the gospel (or good news) revolves around Jesus' teachings about taking care of those less fortunate or about loving thy neighbor, and they skip over the death and resurrection of Jesus, they are completely missing the gospel.

Scripture and Jesus himself are both very clear in telling us why Jesus came to dwell among us here on earth. First of all, Scripture and Jesus are clear about who Jesus is: God himself. It is difficult to reconcile the concept of Jesus as a great teacher or as a prophet, but not God. How could someone who was so clear about His identity, to the point of being stoned for blasphemy, be given those titles (teacher, prophet) if He was not God? Delusional maybe. A liar perhaps. Or He has to be who he claimed He was. A great teacher would not purposely mislead those he is teaching. A prophet would point people to someone greater. Jesus was clear: I and the Father are One. No one comes to the Father but through me.

The resurrection is significant because it was Jesus dying for our sins, bearing the full weight and payment of penalty for those sins, so that we might have eternal life with God. This is the gospel: that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son . . that whosoever would believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16). It's all about our separation from God, His desire to be in relationship with us because of His love for us, to the point of allowing His own Son to die on a cross as a full payment for the sin that separated us from God. It is up to us individually to accept this gift. No one else can do it for us, there is nothing we can do to earn it.

This Easter, please consider these words. Consider your own relationship with God. Have you accepted this gift, this salvation, that God is offering to you?

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