Thursday, March 25, 2010

We've Been Here Before

I remember the late 1970's. It was post-Viet Nam. American morale was brought down by an apparent failure in that war. As troops returned home, they were spat on in some cases, and given very little respect by most Americans. Iran was holding American hostages. Jimmy Carter was president. Interest rates were at 21%, inflation rose to 11%. Gasoline prices spiked and, at times, was scarce. A military attempt to rescue our hostages in Iran failed. The Olympics, a usual source of national pride, was boycotted by America during the 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow. American pride . . largely gone. Few people flew the American flag. In my lifetime, that period was a low point in terms of the American spirit and morale.

Then came Ronald Reagan. Many conservatives have an affection for Reagan because, to them, Reagan represented a true conservative in his policies and ideas. I remember Reagan most for the complete 180 he orchestrated in the American spirit. It was night and day. Carter leaves, Reagan enters, and Americans are once again proud to be an American. In many respects though, the economic circumstances America was in during Reagan's first year or two were still dire. Unemployment continued to grow. But three things were happening: 1) tax cuts were implemented, 2) Reagan made it clear that the government was getting out of the way so people could prosper on their own, 3) Americans responded with unprecedented economic growth.

Reagan made it cool again to be an American. He was not just a great leader who connected well with people, he continually spoke with conviction about the greatness of America and the American ideal. He saw government often being the source of our problems rather than the ever present answer to those problems. It is a stark contrast to today, when our political leaders look to the government as being the only answer. Problem with health care . . the government will take it over. Problem with your car . . the government will take it over. Problem with your bank . . the government will take it over. Reagan would have none of that. You have a problem . . fix it yourself. Have a problem . . what am I doing that is making your life miserable?

Today, just like the 1970's, we need another Ronald Reagan. We need someone who speaks with great affection for America, not taking every opportunity to rip it apart or transform it into Europe. We need someone with a clear vision to strip the federal government of year's of accumulated acquisitions it has no business owning. We need our country back in the hands of the people, not unions, not big business, not George Soros. We need someone who inspires us with, not the greatness of government, but of the greatness of Americans and our American Constitution. Boy I miss Reagan.

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