Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Time For Obama To Move On

All this debt ceiling talk over the past couple weeks has reminded me why I dislike Barack Obama, prompting me to post a few extra thoughts here on the guy who hopefully will soon be unemployed. I have thought for quite awhile now that the general American public will grow tired and disillusioned with Obama soon enough, if they have not already. His need to be front and center making speeches 5 times a day all over the world has led to overexposure. People got tired hearing about Brittany Spears every day several years ago . . how often do you hear about her now? People got tired hearing about Casey Anthony day in and day out . .  where is she now? I suspect that the American public is growing tired of Obama. I cannot imagine another four years of seeing or listening to him 5 times a day. Hopefully two years from now I will be able to ask "whatever happened to that guy that was president"?

Today I recommend reading a good article that addresses the idea of Obama the bore:
"Somewhere along the way, the once-soaring speeches of The Great Orator degenerated into longwinded clichés delivered in a grating, repetitive cadence.   The electric smile morphed into a frequent scowl.  Inspiring messages have given way to blaming everyone else for the lack of success of his policies and scolding his subjects for not "stepping up their game."  His every word seems politically calculated rather than anchored by principle.  He's shown little ability to electrify, motivate, persuade or unify anyone-except his political opposition.  The country seems tired of him.
How un-motivating is Obama as President?  He speaks to an America at war and rouses no patriotism.  He addresses a military audience without so much as mentioning victory (a word to which he has a particular aversion).  He takes a major policy address on troop levels in Afghanistan and ends up droning on about "green jobs."  Boring.  If there is a single memorable line from his multitude of speeches, please tell me; I already stopped listening --and I doubt that I am alone."

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