Friday, July 29, 2011

Where Are The Democrats?

Over the past several months the Republicans have drafted and voted on several budget related bills. There was the overall budget proposal (something a Democratic House failed to do and a Democratic Senate still has not done), the Ryan plan, and cut, cap and balance. Over the past couple days they have been trying to pass one more debt ceiling related bill, so far falling short because it doesn't go far enough to solve any problems. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with any of these bills, the Republican House has taken the lead, something neither the Democratic Senate or Obama has yet to do. So in this whole process, where are the Democrats?

On the House side, Democrats have been complaining about these Republican bills, but I have not heard from any of them offering their own proposals. Granted they are in the minority and have a limited voice on the House floor, but they still retain a sizable voice in media. Yet all we seem to hear are complaints, no ideas or solutions. On the Senate side we keep hearing about the Reid plan, but where and what is it, and how come it has not been put in writing and put up for a vote? Why is the Senate holding back, letting the House do all the heavy lifting? Why is the House letting the Senate sit back? At least on the Senate side there was talk about a (Republican Senator minority leader) McConnell plan. Again, on the House side, have you heard of a (Democratic House minority leader) Pelosi plan?

It seems to me that the House should make one more proposal, basically resubmitting the cut, cap and balance bill. This time I would take it in a more demanding direction. Ask for more cuts and ask that they take place sooner rather than later. And then ask the Senate to respond with their own proposal, in writing and voted on. Let the Senate actually vote for something rather than letting any more House proposals die before a vote. Put pressure on the Senate to actually do something, to put their own necks on the block.

As for the Boehner bill that is currently having problems getting the last 2-3 needed votes to pass, why not make it more attractive for those who are holding out? Reid and Obama have already said that they are not even going to consider it or bring it up for a vote, so why not draft it in a way that pulls in more Republican support? Get it passed, and then walk away. It is time for the Senate to shut up and start playing.

I'm not convinced that a balanced budget amendment is the answer. On paper it makes perfect sense, but so does a diet. Congress is tasked with passing a budget each year, yet the Democratic Senate has not done so for over two years. Congress has demonstrated over and over again that they believe they can operate above the law. Do you really believe any Congress or any president, regardless of their party, will let themselves be confined by a balanced budget requirement? To me it is just like the arguments from politicians that they are going to find savings by eliminating fraud and wasteful spending. You mean you have not already been doing that? You mean you have to pass a bill to do that, or create a new department to oversee it all? If you have not already been attacking fraud and wasteful spending, I seriously doubt that you are going to do it at some point in the future. Same goes with the budget. If they have not been mindful of spending only what is available, I doubt that they will have the willpower to be thrifty in the future. It is called loopholes, and they are pros at creating them.

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