Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care . . Again

With all the town hall protests and unrest making the news, I'm kind of feeling like people are getting lost in the weeds over the issue of health care. Seems to me that the health care bill people are dissecting and arguing about is not really a bill yet. There are a lot of loose ends in it, so people are rightfully asking questions about what certain parts of it mean, but ultimately what a senator or congressman or the president says really doesn't matter, mostly because they really don't know what it says now or what it will say if and when it gets passed. There is absolutely no reason to believe politicians though when they claim that their reform will result in lower prices and better care. In fact I don't hear any Democratic politician telling us what the downside to this reform will be. Something has to give, either it will cost us personally or our economy in general a huge amount of dollars, and/or we will have to get by with fewer doctors, less care, and longer waits. If you believe what they are telling us, this reform will mean the best of everything for everyone. Yeah, right. No wonder we cannot trust them.

I said earlier that I thought people were getting lost in the weeds. By that I mean what I believe is really bothering people is that health care is just one more thing this administration wants to take over in our lives, regardless of the price. Add to it the billions spent on stimulus, bailing out banks and auto makers, cap and trade, energy, and on and on. Add all of these up, add up all of the money involved, add all of the government control, and you get one big, very obvious neon sign with lots of noise screaming "Our government is completely out of control!". I think what people are really saying is this: stop the spending . . stop the meddling . . stop the nonsense, before it destroys our country. Unfortunately, I don't get the impression that these politicians are listening. They know what is best for us. Yeah, right.

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