Some More Random Thoughts
I thought it was kind of ironic that on Christmas Eve, while Fox News was running a two hour Christmas special with readings from the Bible and Christmas music . . CNN was at the same time running a special of their own honoring their Messiah: Barack Obama. Am I the only one who is getting tired of all the global warming hype? Yes, I do believe that by and large it is all hype. On the one hand we have a warming period that is milder than previous warming periods experienced (the last being about 500 years ago). The warming period we are experiencing now comes after a relatively mild ice age period. So this is nothing new. Secondly, the global warming experienced 500 years ago predates any impact man would have had with burning fossil fuels. In other words, the more serious version of global warming that occurred 500 years ago came at a time when our world wide population was a fraction of what it is today, and it came when there were no cars or planes. So who, or what, was responsible...